Palliative & End of Life Care: Collaboration, Compassion, Choice
- 23-02-2016
- 08:30 - 15:30
- Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre
Stephen began working on EPaCCS in 2010 as part of Salford’s involvement in the DH End of Life Locality Registers project, which became a regional role supported by the NW SCNs in 2013. Driven by the lack of joined-up care experienced by his mother before her death in 2010, Stephen has been motivated to try and ensure people and their families have a better experience in the all too short period before death. Prior to EPaCCS, he worked for CfH on Lessons Learned in IM&T Implementations, for two years at the HSCIC on the Mental Health Minimum Dataset (MHMDS), as a database creator/manager for Primary Care Mental Health teams in Manchester, and as part of the performance management team at CMFT. Before working in the NHS, Stephen spent sixteen years as a teacher, where he learnt many different forms of patience!