Kimberley Ashwin

Autism Consultant Nurse
@ Autism Oxford UK

Kimberley Ashwin
  • Bio

Hello my name is Kimberley and I am a Autism Consultant Nurse. I have developed my career in supporting autistic people to access mental health care and have a particular interest in pathological demand avoidance (PDA) and the support challenges this can bring. I am also a Lead Trainer for the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Programme supporting the rollout of the programme to the wider workforce.
I have led the development of mental health liaison services within the NHS, and has subsequently moved to the independent sector, co-chairing the National Autism Consultant Nurse Network alongside leading the team at Autism Oxford UK Limited. I have also worked as an independent CTER clinical expert and sat on the NICE committee for ADHD.

  • My Upcoming Events

  • The National Supporting Autistic People and People with a Learning Disability Conference

    • 03-12-2024
    • 08:30 - 16:30
    • The Royal National Hotel, London