Guy Rands

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Guy Rands
  • Bio

Following a brief career as a molecular neurobiologist, Guy retrained as a secondary science teacher in 1998. His motivation to improve learning conditions propelled him into leadership roles, promoted to Assistant Headteacher and Head of Science in his fourth year. Over the next two decades, Guy held various senior leadership positions across three schools, latterly working as a Headteacher in one of the UK’s largest primary schools.
Guy's fascination with human behaviour and cognition grew throughout his career. This interest, coupled with a desire to support people through life's challenges, led him to retrain as a Psychotherapist. In July 2023, Guy launched “The Listening Project”, a venture that aims to "transform a million lives through listening".

Reflecting his belief in the power of attentive communication, Guy now enables and teaches his clients – individuals and organisations – how to reshape their self-perception and create stronger relationships, both personal and professional.