Claire Holditch

@ NHS Benchmarking Network

Claire Holditch
  • Bio

Claire qualified as a chartered accountant and worked in corporate finance for the first part of her career. Since completing an MA in organisational dynamics 15 years ago, she has worked with the NHS applying her experience of strategic planning and project management. Claire is a Director of the NHS Benchmarking Network and leads on the Network’s work on community services, community hospitals, acute therapies, older people, outpatients and operating theatres. She leads on project work for individual trusts/CCG in the areas of intermediate care, community services and integrated discharge. Claire works closely with the British Geriatrics Society and other professional bodies to deliver the National Audit of Intermediate Care and is Project Director for the National Audit of Care at the End of Life.

  • My Previous Events

  • Palliative & End of Life Care: Improving Provision to meet Increasing Demand

    • 14-11-2019
    • 08:30 - 16:30
    • Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre