Dr Sarah Parks

@ RAND Europe

Dr Sarah Parks
  • Bio

Dr Sarah Parks is an Analyst at RAND Europe in the innovation, health and science policy team. She is particularly interested in research evaluation and scientific careers. At RAND Europe she has worked on a study looking at the characteristics of high-performing research units, analysed Researchfish data, carried out a range of projects using bibliometric data including mapping the world mental health funding system, and worked on a study mapping the UK’s Dementia Research Landscape and Workforce Capacity. She has a PhD in Computational Biology from the University of Cambridge, and a BA in Mathematics. During her PhD she also spent three months at the Office for National Statistics looking at the use of open data to supplement or replace the census.

  • My Previous Events

  • Research Impact: Delivering Excellence

    • 05-07-2016
    • 08:30 - 16:15
    • Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre