Asha Iqbal

@ Generation Reform

Asha Iqbal
  • Bio

Asha Iqbal is a mental health campaigner and founder of ‘Generation Reform’ who leads on breaking down barriers and stigmas within the BME communities. Asha has created workshops designed to take into account cultural differences when it comes to mental health as well as creating a peer support system. With her organisation Asha leads campaigns and open conversations tackling honour abuse, forced marriage and other cultural crimes within BME communities that can lead to having an impact in ones mental health. Asha is a MQ mental health ambassador and actively involved in stirring the conversation about mental health through social media by reaching two million engagements per month consistently. Miss Iqbal speaks openly about her life growing up with abuse and the impact it has had on her mental health in raw and honest discussions.

  • My Previous Events

  • Meeting Mental Health Needs: Practical Interventions to Improve Services

    • 12-12-2018
    • 08:30 - 15:50
    • Mary Ward House Conference & Exhibition Centre, London